Social Accountability

Introduction to SA 8000 - Social Accountability Standard

SA 8000 (Social Accountability 8000) is the first international certification on social responsibility. Its main objective is to guarantee workers' rights, in such a way that everyone involved wins: companies, workers, trade unions, government.

ISO IRAQ Management Consultant Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading SA 8000 compliance and certification auditors in India with clients in India, USA, UK, Iraq Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Europe, Greece and Maldives.

The standard Requirements SA8000 was launched in 1997 by CEPAA - Council on Economics Priorities Accreditation Agency, an NGO, later renamed to SAI - Social Accountability International. Social Accountability 8000 (SA8000) is the first global standard for corporate social responsibility. SA8000 is based on both international human rights' conventions (International Labour Organization, the International Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child) and satisfying relevant local legislation. It aims to guarantee basic rights of workers involved in the production processes. SA 8000 Standard is composed of 9 requirements:

Child labour is not permitted
Forced labour is not permitted
Health and safety have to be assured
Freedom to organize and collective bargaining have to be guaranteed
Discrimination is not permitted
Disciplinary practices are not permitted
Working hours shall not exceed 48 hrs a week, with a maximum of 12 hrs overtime
Remuneration shall be sufficient

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Benefits of SA 8000

  • Improved employee morale
  • Enhanced reputation
  • Global recognition
  • Increased productivity
  • Risk reduction
  • Legal compliance

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